Sunday, October 3, 2010

Brett and Jentry...

Those of you that know me, know I like to spend some time at the gym... GOLD'S GYM in Layton. If you're around, stop on by... I'll probably be there! The #1 favorite reason I work out there are the people. I have made SOOOOO many friends... a lot of whom I consider FAMILY. One of my very best gym-family friends is MICHELE... the sweetest, most thoughtful person on God's green earth. I love her like a sister!
SO... if Michele is my sister, that makes Jentry my niece.
Jentry and Brett got sealed in the temple last week, and asked me to take a few pics for them. Aren't they so cute?

Since I am a NEW aunt to them, I have just started my quest to teach them the evils of that
school down south... they just don't know better. Yes, Brett and Jentry do look ok in blue, but I think they'd look much cuter in RED!
Don't worry... I won't give up on them. ;)

Here's my FAVORITE...
Congratulations, you two!
Love ya lots,
Aunt Al.

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