Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Nielsens...

These are our VERY good friends, the Nielsens. We are SO in love with these good friends, infact, that we BEGGED them to let us tag along with them on their yearly trip to the BEACH. BEST.TRIP.EVER.

Alright, here's my favorite... and I'll tell you why...

Notice the 2 girls in the bottom right corner watching these crazy boys take a whiz. Makes me LAUGH every time!!!

Thanks, Nielsen Family. I'm ready to go back whenever YOU are! :)


  1. I am ready to go back to the beach any time! LOVED having you guys there with us and would do it again in a heartbeat!

    I laughed SO HARD when I noticed those girls in the bottom corner of the picture! I was going to call you and tell you how funny it was. Clearly you've already noticed. Imagine how much they would have laughed if it were REAL! LOL! Just kidding boys! (although I am a little concerned about what Michael is doing in this pic?)

    Thank you SO MUCH for taking these pics and we totally LOVE YER FREAKIN' GUTS!!!!

  2. P.S. I think the "begging" to come along on the trip was OUR part!


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